Monday, December 29, 2008

Kevin & Stacey - UCLA

Kevin and Stacey are getting married in Texas in 2009. We got to know a little about them and their journey here in CA as we shot some pictures for their engagements. We had a great time with you two at UCLA and congratulate you again on your engagement!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ringin' In the New Year

We have been having a lot of technical issues here at Nick Corona Photography this holiday season. From faulty RAM to networking bugs, we have seen just about everything! We are looking forward to the New Year with no more computer issues. Since there are too many weddings, engagements and portraits to post before the end of the year, we will do a 2008 highlight post shortly after New Years.

Here are just a couple to hold you over...

Kevin & Stacy's Engagements

Brittany & Evan's Engagements

Alicia & Mark's Wedding

Derrick & Trequitta's Wedding

Amanda & Jeff's Wedding